The School Health & Hygiene Programme under Yamuna Action Plan Phase-II has been carried out by the Trust in two towns of Haryana (Karnal & Yamuna Nagar) and two towns of Uttar Pradesh (Vrindaban & Mathura).

This project has been sponsored by Japan Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC) with the support of Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India. The Project Management Consultants (P.M.C.), New Delhi was the monitoring/ evaluation agency at the National level whereas U.P. Jal Nigam, Agra, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh & Water Supply & Sanitation Department, Yamuna Nagar, Govt. of Haryana were the Nodal Agency to look after the activities at the State Level. We had covered 52 Schools each of Karnal & Yamuna Nagar and 45 Schools in Vrindavan and 50 Schools in Mathura. Trust has completed three years of programme in all the above mentioned project towns. Trust had performed the activities to aware the children about Environmental Pollution including River Pollution and Personal Health & Hygiene. Trust had organized several Capacity Building Programmes, Focused Group Discussions and various awareness programmes like competitions, Health & Hygiene Education etc. About 1,25,000 students of the Project towns had been covered till the end of project. We had covered all the Government & Government Aided Schools of the project Towns.

The completed activities under this project are following :

1. Baseline Survey : The Baseline Survey (Rapid Assessment Survey) of The Schools & nearby Communities around the Schools have been finished in all the project towns where the Trust has been given responsibilities to implement the project. This activity helped the Trust to design the assigned activities as per their needs. The questionnaire has been developed to assess the Health & Hygiene problems lying in the schools and the communities. This activity helped us to establish good network with PRI’s of the concerned Wards of the towns and Schools Administration for the support to the programme.

2. Capacity Building Workshops : This was the main activity of the programme. Several regular workshop has been conducted in the selected schools of all the towns. Appointed professionals by the Trust for different four project towns have organized 88 Capacity Building Programmes/ Life Skill Workshops in which 30 Students of Eco Club, 3 Teachers of the School & 10 Pressure Group members were the participants in one workshop. The participants have trained about the Environmental & personal Health & Hygiene & reduction of the various pollution like Air, Water, Waste etc. from our atmosphere. They also have been got training to conduct the Focused Group Discussions among the schoolchildren on the issues such as Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Waste Disposal & Personal Health & Hygiene. The print & electronic medias had covered the programmes in all four towns.

3. Focused Group Discussions : This activity is essential for all the students by which the students of the schools have been taught about the Environmental & Pesonal Health & Hygiene issues. The trust had finished large numbers of Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) in this financial year in all four project towns to orient the school students in the subject.

4. Assembly Sessions : This activity had been helped target groups to understand the objectives of the programme. The Professionals of the Trust had been asked some questions related to pollution in Yamuna River from the students and got answers then rectified their knowledge to orient them about this sensible issue during the Assembly Sessions in the all four project towns.

5. Seminar: In the 2nd year activity two Seminars had been conducted in two project towns of U.P. i.e. Mathura & Vrindaban. Several govt. officials from the district administration, Principals, Teachers & students had been participated in the Seminars. The Seminars had been sensitized to the participants on this burning issue. The print media had covered this programme.

6. Rally: Many Rallies has conducted at Yamuna Nagar-Jagadhri, Karnal (Haryana) & Vindavan, Mathura (U.P.) to aware the masses for prevention of river pollution and environmental up-gradation. The large numbers of students from various covered schools of these towns were participated in these rallies. The District Administration, Education Department, Water Works & Health Department were collaborated with the activities. Haryana Pollution Control Board was one of the partner in the rally at Karnal Haryana.

7. Painting/ Writing Competition: Painting & Writing Competition had organized at Karnal, Yamunanagar, Mathura & Vrindaban Towns to generate awareness amongst schoolchildren & teachers about the objectives of the programme. The suitable prizes and certificates for participation and excellence were provided to the students in a function by the chief guests of the function. The print Medias had covered the event.

8. Debate Competition: Several Debate Competition has been organized under this programme to generate awareness amongst schoolchildren & teachers about the objectives of the programme. The suitable prizes and certificates for participation and excellence were provided to the students in a function by the chief guests of the function. The print Medias had covered the event.

9. Wall Magazine: This activity has been finished in all four project towns. The Trust had provided Notice Boards & Stationary to the selected schools to conduct regularly this activity.

10. Feedback Boxes: Trust had been setup Feedback Boxes in all the selected schools of Mathura & Vrindaban during the financial period of 06-07. The students will place their curiosity/ advice/ feedbacks on paper in these boxes on the issues related to environmental and personal health & hygiene. The professionals of Trust in the towns will solve the each & every feedbacks time-to-time.

11. School Street Theatres: This activity is continuing in large numbers at Karnal, Yamunanagar, Mathura & Vrindaban Towns for awareness among schoolchildren in the schools on the issues.

12. Information Education & Communication (Development, Designing & Printing): Trust had developed, designed, printed & fixed in the schools of Yamuna Nagar & Karnal towns of 4 types of posters related to issues for awareness generation among students. Trust had had supplied & fixed 2 flexi posters of 5’x3’ in all 100 schools of Yamuna Nagar Town & 64 Schools of Karnal town.

13. Development of Manuals for Capacity Building & Focused Group Discussion: The staffs of the Trust had developed Manuals for Capacity Building & Focused Group Discussion in Hindi & English. These manuals had been distributed in the selected schools for reference to conduct these activities by the Schools Eco Clubs among students.

14. The Desk review of the ongoing programmes: The teams of Trust in appointed in all four project towns had review the ongoing government supported programmes as per the objectives of this programme. They had arranged meetings with schools administrations & students. This steps was necessary to co-relate the programme’s objectives with ongoing programmes.

Apart from these activities all the professionals of the Trust appointed in four project towns had conducted several orientation programmes, follow-up the activities, Rapport Building Programmes etc. time-to-time. The team also participated in environmental clean drives like polythene disposal campaign etc.

Trust has covered 45000 students during the programme yet to make orient/ sensitize/ aware about the health & hygiene issues.